Walter D Kelly Treatment Center

1041 45th Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33407

About Walter D Kelly Treatment Center

The Walter D Kelly Treatment Center is a well-known drug rehabilitation and cognitive behavioral therapy center located in West Palm Beach, Florida. The center has been helping individuals struggling with addiction for many years and is one of the most reputable treatment centers in the state. The center offers a variety of different services, including drug rehab, cognitive behavioral therapy, and trauma therapy, which are all designed to help individuals overcome addiction and lead healthy, productive lives. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, the Walter D Kelly Treatment Center is a great resource that can help you get on the road to recovery.

Addiction Treatment Programs

  • Drug Rehab

    Drug rehab in Florida helps clients find the motivation to make a change and gives them the tools to achieve long-term sobriety. Drug rehab may include detox, inpatient treatment, and/or outpatient care. You’ll learn the roots of addiction and learn how to build a substance-free life.


  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy

    Cognitive behavioral therapy in Florida gives you tools to challenge your thinking patterns. During treatment, you’ll examine common thought distortions, identify learned negative behaviors, and develop the skills necessary to consciously choose a different reaction to each situation.

  • Trauma Therapy

    Many people with addiction issues in Florida use substances to decrease difficult feelings such as guilt, shame, fear, and more. Trauma-informed therapy can help you understand where these feelings come from and how to deal with them in a better way. Trauma-informed therapy may be part of both inpatient and outpatient substance use treatment and may include peer support, mental health medications, mindfulness, and developing new coping strategies.


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