Holistic Substance Abuse Treatment Centers

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Drug and alcohol treatment centers work from a wide range of philosophies and approaches in terms of how to help addicts overcome the effects of addiction in their lives. Traditional addiction treatment centers follow standardized approaches based on protocols established over decades of research and application in the field.

Holistic drug and alcoholism rehab centers likewise follow established protocols; however, these programs also place a heavy emphasis on treating the spiritual part of the individual throughout the recovery process. While drug and alcohol addictions do cause considerable damage to the body and mind, a person’s spiritual core no doubt undergoes considerable damage as well.

Holistic substance abuse facilities work to combine the principles and interventions used in traditional programs with an approach that’s designed to heal the “whole person” rather than just treat the mental and physical aspects of addiction.

Holistic vs. Tradition Addiction Treatment Models

Traditional addiction treatment offer a well-developed approach for addressing the problems addicts face in recovery. That being so, the traditional model centers around addiction’s role as a disease within the life of the individual. From this perspective, traditional approaches can’t help but implement a “one-size-fits-all” treatment model.

According to the State University of New York, the holistic treatment model views addiction as a symptom of underlying issues within a person’s life. In this respect, holistic programs administer treatment interventions based on the needs of the individual.

Addiction Treatment Objectives

Restoring balance in a person’s life becomes the primary objective within a rehabilitation facility. Holistic philosophies view the body, mind and spirit as interdependent parts of the individual. An imbalance in anyone of these areas can make a person more susceptible to the addictive effects of drugs and alcohol.

Holistic treatment interventions enable addicts to work through the underlying issues that drive addiction behaviors. Depending on the person, underlying issues may take the form of:

  • Destructive Belief Systems
  • Self-Identify Issues
  • Chemical Imbalances
  • Past Traumas

While breaking the body’s dependence on an addictive substance remains an essential part of the treatment process, treating the underlying issues that drive the addiction offers the best chance of a successful, long-term recovery.

Types of Addiction Recovery

Holistic addiction centers offer a wide variety of treatment options to suit each person’s individual interests and treatment needs. These programs often make use of alternative therapy approaches, many of which focus on spiritual expression and healing.

Addiction Therapy Approaches Used

  • Energy Therapy
  • Yoga
  • Acupressure
  • Acupuncture
  • Mediation
  • Hiking
  • Equine Therapy
  • Dance Movement
  • Biochemical Therapy

Holistic alcoholism and drug abuse centers are also more likely to employ new treatment approaches, such as biofeedback techniques and brainwave therapies.

Ultimately, different people enter the treatment process with unique backgrounds, experiences and problems. While traditional drug treatment models can go a long way towards helping addicts overcome the physical and psychological aspects of addiction, holistic treatment models may well offer a more integrative approach to breaking addiction’s hold over a person’s life.

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