Midwest Recovery Centers

13340 Holmes Road
Kansas City, MO 64145

About Midwest Recovery Centers

Midwest Recovery Centers is a comprehensive addiction treatment center offering a wide range of services to help you or your loved one overcome addiction. Services include drug rehab, outpatient rehab, aftercare support, inpatient rehab, detox treatment, family therapy, group therapy, and individual therapy. With a team of experienced and compassionate professionals, Midwest Recovery Centers is dedicated to helping you achieve lasting recovery.

Addiction Treatment Programs

  • Drug Rehab

    The goal of a drug rehab in Missouri is to give you the tools and skills you need to achieve long-term recovery. Common services include counseling and classes on coping skills, emotional management, communication, and other key life skills. Drug rehab programs can provide inpatient or outpatient treatment.

Levels of Care

  • 1

    Detox Treatment

    The first step into a life you love is detoxing from the substances you use. Then you can start treatment in Missouri fresh. When you are free of all substances, which may take around a week, you’ll be ready to start building a bright future where you can chase your dreams and create the life you love.

  • 2

    Inpatient Rehab

    For many people, it’s important to focus entirely on recovery without distractions, and inpatient treatment in Missouri gives you that opportunity. Inpatient treatment programs generally last 30 to 90 days and include counseling and classes on emotional regulation, coping strategies, and other vital life skills.

  • 3

    Outpatient Rehab

    There are multiple options for addiction treatment in Missouri. Outpatient treatment allows you to live at home or in sober living while attending several hours of treatment per week. Finishing residential treatment is a big step, and outpatient care allows you to have support while you learn to apply your new skills and habits in real-life situations.

  • 4

    Aftercare Support

    During aftercare in Missouri, each client is connected to specific resources and support organizations depending on their individual needs. Relapse prevention is a lifelong project, and having aftercare support like sober housing, recovery-focused activities, and a place to build healthy friendships can make all the difference.


  • Family Therapy

    Your family can be an important part of your support network, but you may have to work through conflict and broken relationships first. Family therapy in Missouri gives you that opportunity. Substance use treatment includes detox, inpatient treatment, and outpatient care, and family therapy may be a part of each of these stages. The goal is to help families address past events and broken relationships and develop healthy ways of relating to each other.

  • Group Therapy

    You’re not alone as you work through addiction in Missouri. Group therapy will help you connect with others in similar positions so you can support and encourage each other. Sessions generally last 60 to 90 minutes and give you a chance to discover others’ experiences, hear about the impact of substance use, and learn important new life skills.

  • Individual Therapy

    Talking about what you’ve experienced is an important way to heal, and individual therapy in Missouri gives you that opportunity. During individual therapy, you have the freedom and confidentiality to share personal issues and past experiences that may impact your substance use. Your therapist will help you work through those concerns and develop new ways of handling them.


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